24 February 2025

3 January 2024


The Group has resumed meeting on the second Wednesday of the month at
The Orchard, Brighton Road, Crawley, and has an interesting programme of
events lined up for members.

*14 February, Chris Haswell our National Pensions Officer and Secretary to the
Public Services Pensioners Council, brings us up to date on Pension Issues.
*13 March, is our AGM and the Deputy General Secretary David Luxton will tell
us about current issues facing the CSPA.
*10 April, Bernadette Lawrie, the Sussex Police Safeguarding Officer will tell us
all about Scams and Fraud particularly affecting older people and how to avoid
them. This meeting could be very popular so if you do not normally come
please advise the Secretary if you are coming so enough seats can be provided.
*8 May, Graham Feast, Road Safety Consultant, talks about Transport, Traffic
and Road Safety.
*12 June, we have Chris Green telling us all about the achievements of
Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
*10 July, our vice president Mike Lawler will be telling us about his travels.

Meetings start at 10.30 with Coffee and Biscuits and end at 12.30 when we
adjourn to a local pub for lunch and we charge £3 to cover our costs.

Check our local website for the latest news. www.crawley-cspa.co.uk Group
Secretary, Sylvia Sturtevant, Email: briansturtevant@cspa.co.uk