24 February 2025

15 May 2024


The 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in the Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 October 2024. The precise times for the start and finish of the AGM will be advised after the Standing Orders Committee has had time to consider the number of Motions submitted and the order of business for the AGM.

The usual procedures for arranging hotel accommodation for the AGM will apply again, so there will be no need for Branches or Groups to book accommodation for their representatives. More information will be given in the relevant Group Circular, to be issued towards the end of July 2024, giving details of AGM charges, and requesting Branches & Groups provide details of their delegates and sponsored representatives (observers) in order that CSPA HQ can make all the required bookings direct with the hotel.

Branches & Groups are therefore, invited to submit Motions and Constitutional Amendments for debate at the AGM and Nominations for the posts of elected Officers and Executive Committee members.

Guidance on the wording of Motions, Constitutional Amendments and the Nomination & Election procedures are provided in Appendix IV of the latest version of the Advice to Groups in England and Wales booklet (Revised May 2017). The Standing Orders Committee have added that, ideally, motions should be kept brief and deal with one subject only, specifying the action to be taken.

Branches & Groups are strongly advised to read this advice before submitting Motions, Amendments and making Nominations. Also please note that all Motions must relate to issues of primary and direct concern to pensioners – Rule 2 applies.

If, in any doubt about aspects of proposed Motions, particularly about the provisions of Rule 2, Branches & Groups should, in advance of formal submission for the AGM, seek appropriate advice about the wording and subject of Motions from one of the officers at CSPA HQ.

The deadline for receipt of Motions, Nominations and Constitutional Amendments at the Headquarters offices in Croydon is 12.00 noon Friday 5 July 2024 First class post can often take several days to reach HQ, which should be borne in mind when posting, whereas, next day delivery can be guaranteed by paying an extra fee at the Post Office.

The enclosed forms (1 copy of each) should be used to submit Motions (YELLOW) Nominations (GREEN) and Constitutional Amendments (BLUE) and should be signed by both the Chair and Secretary of the Group or Branch in accordance with Rule 7(e) (iii) of the Rules & Constitution.

The Standing Orders Committee advise that they will be flexible when applying the relevant regulations. However, if any Branch or Group wants advice on how to word a Motion, or whether a particular marking is likely to apply, please do not hesitate to contact CSPA HQ. The EC would much prefer that Branches & Groups consult about wording to avoid falling foul of the Standing Orders and to ensure that their members’ views are aired at the AGM.

In order to encourage constructive debate and focus CSPA resources on priority issues, motions on the CSPA’s top priorities would be particularly welcome. The following issues continue to affect our members and older people more generally:

 Pensions and Pensioner Entitlements,
 The Cost-of-Living Crisis
 Health and Social Care Services,
 Financial and Digital Exclusion,
 Housing and Related Issues,
 Accessible Public Transport,
 Commissioners for Older People and Ageing

The 2023 Annual Report, soon to be published, will also provide details of the progress on these policy areas over the past year.

The constitution, Rule 12, allows for proposed amendments to the CSPA Rules and Constitution to be considered by the AGM.

Groups & Branches may wish to alert the Executive Council to any proposed changes to the Constitution that they are considering, so that constructive dialogue can take place between the Group and Executive Council (EC) before the terms of any planned Constitutional Amendments are set in stone. The Executive Council (EC) will then be able to let the Group or Branch know, at an early stage, whether it is likely to support the Constitutional Amendment, or if, perhaps, some rewording would make it more
acceptable to the EC. In any event, Groups & Branches will still be entitled to pursue whatever Constitutional Amendments they wish. However, by availing themselves of this opportunity, Groups &
Branches may make the process more mutually productive for all concerned. Any correspondence on such matters should be directed by post, to CSPA HQ; by email, to sally.tsoukaris@cspa.co.uk, or by telephone, to 020 8688 8418 (office)

It would help HQ if Branches & Groups could check with all nominees that they are willing to stand for the posts they intend to nominate them for. The General Secretary has, to date, received notification from only two members of the Executive Council that they do not wish to stand for re-election at the 2024 AGM, as follows:

Linda Ridgers-Waite, EC Chair
Keith Yallop – Standing Orders Committee Member
Please note that the following posts on the Executive Council are currently vacant:
National EC Member (Reserved for a Woman) – 1 post
Representative for Groups in Wales
Wessex Regional Representative
We would especially welcome nominations for women and people from other underrepresented groups and would encourage them to come forward to help the Executive
Council better reflect the CSPA membership.

Should you have any questions or need clarifications about any aspect of the contents of this Group Circular, please do not hesitate to contact me, either by phone – 020 8688 8418 (office) – or by email – sally.tsoukaris@cspa.co.uk

Yours sincerely
Sally Tsoukaris
General Secretary