23 February 2025

7 January 2025

GC 965

Dear Colleague


In my speech at the AGM, I explained that we were to invite all members to share their views on proposals to tackle the growing ‘democratic deficit’ our organisation faces and said that we would like as many members as possible to be involved. You will have seen my article and member survey in the Winter issue of The Pensioner.

The CSPA has a declining number of active local Groups in England and Wales, although we still have active Branches in Northern Ireland and Scotland. Group closures are preventing a growing number of members from participating in CSPA’s democratic processes in England and Wales, and the closures have been accelerating in recent years. 

To address this, we are considering changing our approach to some elections, from the 2026 AGM onwards on a trial basis, to offer every member an equal voice in electing the national CSPA Executive Council.

We are encouraging Groups and Branches to share their valuable insights and views with us, to help the Executive Council shape a more inclusive future for all members of the CSPA. Your feedback as active members will help to guide our next steps, and the EC is keen to ensure that those who are active in Groups and Branches remain integral to any organisational changes to be made.

What is being proposed?

An online and postal ballot, open to all CSPA members, to elect our Chair, Vice Chair and to the five national Executive Council posts.

When would this take place?

For the proposed ballot to be held in 2026, the necessary changes to CSPA’s Rules & Constitution would need to be agreed by a two thirds majority at the Annual General Meeting in 2025. 

If the AGM’s agreement is forthcoming, the proposal is to call for nominations in the Spring Issue of The Pensioner in 2026, as well as asking Groups and Branches to submit their nominations in the usual way, and then to hold the first all-member ballot in June/July 2026, so that the results can be announced at the start of the AGM in October 2026.

How would the elections be held?

Members will be able to vote online – with a link being sent to them by email – or alternatively they can complete a paper ballot form, which would be included in The Pensioner magazine, and return it to a Freepost address. We propose to engage the services of a reputable, third-party provider of electoral support to assist with the ballots. We have already had preliminary discussions with Civica, Mi-Voice and UK Engage in this regard.

Why are we proposing this?

The Executive Council is acutely aware that our current structures and representation arrangements no longer provide all members with an opportunity to influence the future direction of the organisation. We would therefore like all CSPA members to have a say in mandating a national Executive Council of their choosing. 

What else is going to change?

We are conscious that any changes we make must be sensitive to the values and networks of our active members in Groups and Branches, and not diminish our support for their activities. CSPA Groups and Branches will still be invited to submit nominations for national posts in the usual ways. We are not proposing to change the way we elect to Regional, Branch or Group representative positions, or to change the way that we conduct any other business at our AGM. 

How can Groups and Branches have their say on the proposals?

Individual members in active Groups and Branches are encouraged to use the magazine or emailed link to complete and return their own surveys, and we appreciate help from Groups and Branches in promoting the survey to their members.

If any members have not received the December edition of The Pensioner, or an email from us with a link to the online version of the survey, and would like

to participate, please ask them to get in touch with us by telephone (020 8688 8418) or email (enquiries@cspa.co.uk ).

When do Individual Members need to return their feedback?

Paper survey forms should be posted to the Freepost address listed no later than Wednesday 15th January 2025. The same deadline applies to online completion of the questionnaire.

Collective Responses from Groups and Branches

We are asking Group and Branch Chairs/Secretaries to submit their Group or Branch’s collective response to the questions attached by email or post, to be received by CSPA Headquarters no later than 5pm on Friday 21st March 2025.

Please email Group/Branch responses to: benedetta.makanju@cspa.co.uk

Or, alternatively, post to:


Civil Service Pensioners Alliance

160 Falcon Road

London SW11 2LN

We thank you in advance for your time in completing and returning your Group or Branch’s responses.

The responses received will be collated for the EC’s consideration at their meeting in April 2025, along with the results of the Members’ Survey. The EC will update members on the outcome at, or prior to, the 2025 AGM.

If you have any questions or require any further information about the matters covered by this Group Circular, please don’t hesitate to contact me, either by email at sally.tsoukaris@cspa.co.uk or by telephone on 020 8688 8418 (Office)/07827 291 073 (Mobile).

Yours sincerely


Sally Tsoukaris
General Secretary