24 February 2025

13 February 2024

Greater Manchester Group – Feb 2024

OUR NEXT GROUP MEETING WILL BE HELD 13 MARCH 2024– see below for dates of other meetings. This meeting will be the group AGM.

Welcome to the New Year newsletter. Across the last few issues we have, sadly, heard of members who have moved to live in care homes or passed away. Thanks to the relatives who have contacted us with this information.

The contact for informing us of such changes, plus any change of address is now:

Peter Sanger, Membership Secretary Email plump1946@yahoo.co.uk

Additionally, it would be helpful if you could email enquiries@cspa.co.uk with the information.


1. A recent issue of Guardian Money ran a feature warning that hundreds of thousands of pensioners may have to start setting aside some of their state or other pension for unexpected tax bills. A combination of increases in the state pension and a continued freeze in income tax thresholds means that a growing number of people will be caught into the tax net. If your tax due is not collected through your occupational (civil service) or possible private pension, you may be faced with a demand from HMRC.

2. One of our Group Members has prepared some helpful advice for civil service pensioners who may be anticipating a lump sum because of mistakes and underpayments in past years. Sometimes the PAYE system will tax the lump sum as all received in the year in which it is paid. The tax could be at 40%, instead of the 20% that would have been due if the payment had been made without deferral.

For pensioners getting a lump sum all taxed in one year they can ask for it to be calculated as if it had been received at the proper time. It may be worth considering whether to make a claim to have the arrears assessed in the years in which they were due rather than the year in which they are paid, although the process is lengthy and can take up to 18 months. To find out more visit the website Gov.uk and click on “Money & Tax. Then search for EIM 75020 where you can see greater detail.

3. If your income, or that of someone for whom you care, is less than £20,000 per year and you need tax advice, you can get free and confidential support from Tax Help for Older People (Tax Volunteers). They can check that your tax codes are correct, that you tax you have paid is correct, that you understand the letter that HMRC sent you and so on. They can also help you write to and negotiate with HMRC. Contact taxvol@taxvol.org.uk

4. One of our previous newsletters featured underclaiming of Pension Credit. Since the average civil service pension is around £12k per year and that there is massive underclaiming in Greater Manchester, we’d like to remind you that it is worth checking out if you, or someone you know, may be eligible.


We have received useful information on: –

· what to do when someone dies,

· how to choose a care home,

· what happens to your pension in a divorce,

· and how to give feedback or complain about NHS services.

· In readiness for the General Election in 2024, we also have a manifesto for later life. To obtain a copy of any of these, please contact the Group Secretary.


All meetings will be held at the Methodist Central Hall, Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JQ starting at 11.00am and finishing by 1.00pm

· 12 June 2024 National AGM preparatory meetings/ consideration of motions for submission

· 18 September 2024 – Consideration of the published AGM Agenda/Mandating

· 23 October 2024 – Report Back from the AGM

· tba December 2024 – Christmas Lunch

The national Annual General Meeting will take place at Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth, in October. Details will be in a future newsletter.


We can now confirm that this year’s AGM will be held on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October.

Don Makepeace, who many of you may know has had to resign as Vice-chair due to ill health and so we will be seeking a new candidate.

There is a currently a sub-committee looking at the current structure and format of the AGM, looking at how they can encourage wider interest and representation, as to whether in person AGMs are the best or only way to conduct the CSPA’s business or is it possible to look at on-line AGMs or even a hybrid type so more members could become involved.

In truth the question as to whether more members want to become involved will need to be looked at also.


The 200 club winners were as follows: –

September 1st Prize – Peter Lowry 2nd Prize – Mrs E S Prickett

October 1st Prize – Barry Avison 2nd Prize – Angela Unsworth

November 1st Prize – Bob Ryan 2nd Prize – Antonia Marshall

December 1st Prize – Henry Nicholson 2nd Prize – Harry Brett

January 1st Prize – Mr S A Brown 2nd Prize – Mr S C Gibson

February 1st Prize – Dorothy France 2nd Prize – Bob Ryan

A new cycle will commence in March and the annual cost is £12 with a monthly 1st Prize of 50% and a 2nd Prize of 25% with 25% going to Group funds. You can join either by sending me a cheque to CSPA Manchester, 46 Severn Way, Holmes Chapel, Crewe, CW4 8FT or direct to our Bank Account – sort code – 16/12/11, account number 10177528 stating your name as the reference. We would also be grateful for direct donations to the funds to enable us to meet the cost of subscriptions to affiliated organisations that look after the interests of pensioners.

Pam Flynn Group Secretary stiritup298@gmail.com

Harry Brett

Regional Representative, Executive Council 07999 874864. Email: h_brett@sky.com