23 February 2025

16 August 2024

State Pension: What you need to know from Independent Age

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Independent Age

This help and advice was first publishing on the Indepenent Age website and the original articles can be read in full by clicking on the buttons below.

State Pension
Learning Resources
Tax and Pension Credits

State Pension

Taking the time to learn about the State Pension can help you plan and feel more confident about retirement. 

A recent survey carried out by Independent Age found that 41% of people aged 50 and over were anxious about their finances after retirement. Almost half said that they didn’t have much knowledge of what financial options would be available to them once they retired.  

The advice page The State Pension explained | Independent Age is a great place to start if you want to learn more about your State Pension and who to contact if you need advice. 

State Pension learning resources

You can order or download the free guide The State Pension | Independent Age and factsheet from their website. It tells you everything you need to know about the new State Pension:

  • what the State Pension is
  • who can get it
  • how much you could get
  • how to claim.

The factsheet Understanding your State Pension | Factsheet | Independent Age has information about both the basic and new State Pension.

Tax and pension credit advice

We know people are worried about paying tax on their retirement income at the moment. Independent Age’s advice page Information about Tax | Independent Age explains what you should expect to be taxed, how to cut the cost and how to get help with tax debt.