23 February 2025

26 November 2024

Kingston upon Thames and District – Nov 24

Kingston upon Thames and District
Newsletter No. 44
December 2024

Group Meetings: take place on the last Tuesday of the month (except July, August and December) at 2pm, at the Girl Guide Hut, Marion Hill House, Tadworth Avenue, New Malden, KT3 6DJ.

Business Secretary:  Marion Williams, sopapop@btinternet.com

Membership/Treasurer: Clive Scammell, 125 Windsor Avenue, Cheam, Sutton SM3 9RX, Tel: 0208 644 5493, clivescammell@sky.com

The Committee writes:

Seasons Greetings.  A lot has happened since the last Newsletter which was published in July.  The election of a New Government and the Chancellor’s first Budget.

The loss of the winter fuel payment was discussed at the CSPA AGM (see below).

The good news is that the Government has honoured its commitment (for time being?) to the triple lock and the State pension will rise by 4.1% in April.  The Civil Service pension will increase by 1.7% next April.

Members of the group have been campaigning on local issues such as the introduction of APP only payment for parking charges.  With success in New Malden where a coin meter was installed.

Feedback from the CSPA AGM

Julie Rowe represented the Group at the AGM which she thoroughly enjoyed. The main headlines/outcomes are:

  • 2023 AGM report was accepted without dissent.

  • Campaigns continue to protecting pensions, addressing the frozen tax thresholds, and better national health and social care.

  • Work continues on the gender pay gap

  • CSPA joined other organisations to protest about the withdrawal of the winter fuel payments for many, requesting immediate reinstatement and improve pension credit claim process.

  • Collaborative campaigns with 130 other organisations and charities on improving Health and Social care.

  • There will be a consultation on proposals to increase membership which has been steadily decreasing since 2018. Details will be published in the December Pensioner.

2024 Motions – detail of the motions was in the supplement to the Autumn edition of the Pensioner magazine.

The following motions were supported and  carried:

A4, A6, A15, A16, A18, A19, A22, A24, A26, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32, A33, A34, A35, A36, A37, A38, A39, A40, A41, A42, A43, A44, A45, A46, A47, A50/51 and A52.

Motions not listed were either deemed to be out of order, rejected or remitted by the EC.
Emergency motion 1 (incl 2&3) – Winter fuel payment.  Supported.
Emergency motion 4 – to oppose the increase in pension age from 67. Supported.
Emergency motion 5 – to campaign for a National Social Care Framework integrated with the NHS to ensure consistency in the provision of social care across the UK that remains free at the point of access.  Supported.

The AGM elected the following individuals:

Chair: Les Priestley
Vice Chair: Roisin Lilley
National Executive Committee

Linda Ridgers Waite
Charlie Cochrane
Richard West
Mike Buckley
Pam Flynn  

Regional EC members
Sue Hennah-Barham; David Owen; Kevin Bilson; Andy Aitchison; Harry Brett;
Les Calder and John Clarke

Kingston & District Group AGM

The Group AGM will be held on Tuesday 28th January 2025. All of the committee positions will up for election.

John Sabourin will be standing down from the committee after 8 years’ service. In accordance with our constitution, I am also due to stand down as Treasurer/Membership Secretary and guest speaker organiser. However, I am prepared to continue if no one else comes forward and I am re-elected.

If anyone would like to nominate themselves for a position on the committee – including the Chair which is currently vacant, please contact Marion or Clive (contact details at top of newsletter).

Local Group Membership

Group membership has been declining over recent years.  In 2024 we have 82 members. Subscriptions raised through membership pay for rent of a hall, admin costs and guest speakers.  The amount we receive does not fully pay for a full year of meetings.  We have sufficient funds in the bank to continue for the present but, there will be a point in the future where this will not be the case.

We encourage new and existing members to join the Group in 2025.

Subscriptions for local Group (Kingston & District) membership are due in January 2025.   The Membership cost is £10.00 per person, per annum.

Payment can be made in several ways.  You can either:

–       pay cash to the Treasurer at a monthly meeting.

–       Send a cheque made payable to CSPA Kingston & District Group to the Treasurer, Mr Clive Scammell, 125 Windsor Avenue, Cheam, Sutton SM3 9RX.

–       Pay by bank transfer/standing order to CSPA Kingston & District Group Lloyds bank account: sort code: 30-94-77 and Account Number: 02302098

Note: a number of members already pay by bank transfer/standing order.  Please make sure it is for the correct amount.  If you have any questions with regard to payment, please call Clive on 020 8644 5493.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year