23 February 2025

18 September 2024

Leicestershire & Rutland Group September 2024

Hello to all CSPA members in Leicestershire and Rutland. I hope you have all had a very pleasant summer.

We held our Group committee meeting on 8th July and welcomed guest speaker Dave Andrews, formerly of BBC Radio Leicester who gave a very interesting presentation entitled 100 Years of Auntie – A History of the BBC Radio & Television. Details about this meeting can be found later in this newsletter.

Our next meeting is set for Monday 28th October at 2pm, Once again at the Royal British Legion Club, 4A Wigston Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5QA. The club has its own (free) carpark. There is a regular bus service from Leicester. Tea and coffee will be available from 1:30 p.m.

We will be welcoming our CSPA General Secretary, Sally Tsoukaris as our guest speaker to that meeting. If you have any questions about the CSPA, future plans or key campaigns that we are involved in, this would be a good meeting for you to attend.

The meeting agenda will be as follows;


2. CHAIR’S ADDRESS (Rob Jameson)

3. GUEST SPEAKER – Sally Tsoukaris



6. Any Other Business

As always, the meeting will be conducted informally and all will be made to feel welcome including any partners or friends that members wish to bring with them.

Minutes of the CSPA Leicestershire & Rutland Group meeting held on 8th July 2024

1. Welcome and Apologies 

The Chair welcomed everyone to meeting and recorded the following apologies;

Haydn Starkie, John Pearce, Alan Tuck, Ziggy Robb, Maureen Coomes and Eamon Furey. 

2. Chair’s Address Rob Jameson drew the meeting’s attention to the recent publication of Newsletter no. 40 and thanked Kevin Billson for producing it. He acknowledged reports that some Group members had not received it and suggested checking personal preferences on the CSPA website members’ area for personal contact method preferences recorded. It was also agreed that in Newsletter no. 41 Kevin Billson should invite members to express if they had a preference for receiving future copies by email.

Rob commented on the recent General Election and the resultant change in government. He reported that the CSPA would be making contact with ministers to lay out our aims and objectives with particular reference to the Later Life Ambitions manifesto. 

Rob then spoke about the forthcoming CSPA AGM which will take place at Chesford Grange, Kenilworth on 9th & 10th October. The L&R Group have submitted the following motion for debate;

This AGM notes with concern that the tax-free allowance for both pensions and workers was frozen in 2021 at that year’s level of £12,570 and is not set to rise again until 2028.

The CSPA is therefore asked to campaign for a commitment from the Government to raise the tax-free pension allowance each year in line with the Triple Lock. This means an increase in line with average wages, inflation or 2.5 percent – whichever is highest. This will ensure that no Civil Service pensioner will ever pay income tax on the state pension part of their income.

3. Guest Speaker

Dave Andrews, formerly of BBC Radio Leicester, provided an excellent presentation entitled ‘100 Years of Auntie’ about the history of BBC radio and television with reference to key events that occurred during that time. He also gave a brief and entertaining explanation of how he came to be a presenter on BBC Radio Leicester and adopted the city as his home despite not originating from this part of the country.

4.      Treasurer’s Report

Liz Ellis reported that the Group’s bank balance remained at £907.27 as reported at the AGM. £86 was pending being added to that total with £50 to be paid for the previous presentation at this meeting along with £25 for hire of the meeting venue.

5.      CSPA Midlands Regional Representative Report

Kevin Billson commenced by speaking about the forthcoming AGM. Guidance on travel issued states Groups and EC members who can comfortably arrive to the venue in time for 1pm lunch should travel on the Wednesday and not Tuesday seeking additional overnight accommodation (criteria: less than 150 miles / 4 hours travel time).  A donation has been received from CSIS of £1500 to assist the budget toward the cost of sponsored reps, members not in a Group or additional Group representatives.  Going forward, the CSPA are committed to a larger space this year at Chesford Grange (Kenilworth Suite up to 700 guests) but we can screen some of the room off so that we are not a small group meeting in a ‘warehouse’. It’s likely that we will reduce to the smaller Stratford Suite in 2025 (holds up to 180 guests).

Kevin spoke about the review of State Pension Age. The current broad criteria for pension age are to provide for around a third of adult life in retirement. CSPA evidence has highlighted the importance of the age being linked to having a long healthy retirement. Pension entitlement age is already rising to 67 between 2026-2028 and then to age 68 from 2046, but the Government are seeking to bring that date forward, possibly to 2039 or even earlier and are only committed to giving a minimum 10 years` notice of any future change, so a move to 68 could happen as early as 2036. The CSPA have joined with our partners in the National Pensioners` Convention (NPC) in campaigning under the banner of “68 is too late”!

Kevin provided an Organisation & Recruitment Update as follows;

•             1st January to 14th June 2024, new CSPA members nationally numbered: 291

•             Over the same period lost members numbered: 1,212 (of which 665 were deceased)

•             Total current CSPA membership is: 36,201 of which Leicestershire & Rutland membership: 309.

News and Updates

CSPA Member Benefits

As a CSPA member, you are entitled to a wide range of membership benefits, including free initial legal advice; exclusive discounts on cruises; travel insurance, shopping discounts; free help and support on any computer problems; and much more.

For the most up-to-date information on our campaign activity, latest member benefits, plus regularly updated news items visit the membership section of the website at www.cspa.co.uk

Further information can also be gained by email to enquiries@cspa.co.uk or telephone on 020 8688 8418

Group Circular 956

Annual General Meeting 2024

The 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held in the Chesford Grange Hotel, Kenilworth on the 9th & 10th October. Leicestershire & Rutland Group will be represented by two delegates. A summary of the AGM will be delivered at our Autumn meeting.

Group Circular 958

Recommendations of Working Party Review of AGM Format

Recommendation 1: The AGM format should continue to be in-person physical event and not a virtual on-line meeting

Recommendation 2: The AGM should continue to be held each year and not every two years (subject to overriding cost considerations)

Revised Recommendation 3: Keynote speeches at the AGM (of the GS address and key guest speakers) should be video recorded, subject to value for money, and uploadedto the CSPA Website for member viewing.

Revised Recommendation 4: Holding a one day AGM in a central city was considered but was ruled out due to the costs of hotel accommodation that would still be required which would negate any savings compared to the current arrangements, and would lose the networking contacts between delegates at the AGM.

Revised Recommendation 5: Improvements to the existing opportunity for members not covered by a local Group or Branch to attend and participate in  the AGM by funding a number of individual delegate places, at the discretion of the EC, in addition to the existing right of any member not covered by a local Group or Branch to attend the AGM at their own expense.

Group Circular 960

Campaign Update – Changes to Winter Fuel Payments

Winter Fuel Payments, which have in recent years been paid to all pensioners tax-free, are to be restricted to those on Pension Credit and certain other benefits only this year.

The CSPA have joined Independent Age in signing a letter to Rachel Reeves expressing concern about this policy.

AGE UK have been extensively quoted in the press in response to Rachel Reeves’ announcement and its impact on 2 million pensioners either just above the Pension Credit threshold or eligible but not claiming this form of support. CSPA are promoting their petition and urge members to sign it.

NPC members are writing to their MPs and signing Age UKs petition in a mass protest at the Chancellor’s decision. Information on how to write to your MP, along with a template letter, are detailed on the NPC website www.npcuk.org.

Useful local CSPA contacts;

ChairRob Jamesonjamesonrobert1947@gmail.com
0116 259 268019, Stretton Road, Great Glen, Leicester, LE8 9GN
Vice ChairSimon Connollysimon1connolly@yahoo.co.uk
0116 271 864117, Sutton Close, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5WT
SecretaryKevin Billsonkevinbillson@ntlworld.com
07827 320 41337, Galsworthy Crescent, Melton Mowbray, LE13 1JD
TreasurerLiz Ellislizellis450@icloud.com
0116 269 23997, The Hall, Queniborough Hall Drive, Queniborough, LE7 3DZ

That’s all for now in our Summer Newsletter. We hope to see as many members as possible at our Autumn Meeting on October 28th, don’t forget to put it in your diaries.

If you would rather receive this newsletter electronically by email in future, please contact Kevin Billson at the above email address.