23 February 2025

22 May 2024

Norfolk and Suffolk Group Newsletter – Spring 24

Welcome to the Spring 2024 edition of the CSPA Norfolk and Suffolk Group Newsletter. Although the weather as I write this is far from spring like, we can hope for improvement. In fact by the time you read this, it could feel very different.

Our next Group meeting will be on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, at 2 pm, at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church, Norwich, NR2 1SD. As well as our usual Group business we have invited a guest speaker, Jenny Hodge, from Admiral Nurses, who will give a presentation on her role and the work of Admiral Nurses and their tie up with Dementia UK.

Full details of the meeting are shown on page 4 of this Newsletter.

At our AGM on 28 February 2024, we were pleased to be able to elect a new Treasurer, Fred Crooks, who is included in the list of Group Committee members at the foot of page 4. We welcome Fred to the Committee and are grateful for his volunteering to take on the work of Treasurer.

Possible Meeting in Ipswich

In an attempt to be more inclusive of our Members in Suffolk, the Committee is hoping to be able to arrange a meeting in Ipswich, additional to our existing 4 Group meetings in Norwich. We have not yet got a firm date for this but hope it will be later in 2024. If this might be of interest to you, please could you let our Secretary, Tim, know, so we can have some idea of the type of venue to arrange.


Continued Need for CSPA

Following the policy decisions taken at the last CSPA AGM in October 2023, Letters from the CSPA General Secretary were sent to senior ministers in the government on a range of policy concerns relating to the NHS services; Local Authority funding; and about Age discrimination legislation in Northern Ireland and the lack of a Warm House Discount scheme in Northern Ireland.

In response to our letters the CSPA GS, Sally Tsoukaris, has been invited to a meeting with the Minister for Local Government Simon Hoare MP in late April to discuss our concerns, raising CSPA`s profile and influence.

Campaigning on issues that matter to our members is an important part of what we do in meeting our declared aims of “maintaining and improving the purchasing power of pensions” and also “to promote the economic and social well-being of pensioners”. We rely on the support of our members and local Groups and the Branches in Scotland and Northern Ireland to help our campaigning and extend our influence with Parliamentarians and the Cabinet Office. CSPA is developing better ways of engaging with members and is investing in new systems to help grow membership with a clear brand identity of Protecting What You`ve Earned.

We are delighted that Verity Morrish joined the CSPA team in November as Digital Campaigns Manager and has already made a huge impact on our campaigning and communications using CSPA new updated website.

We need to ensure that CSPA can be sustained and grow for the benefit of Members and for all those who have a Civil Service pension in payment or have a deferred Civil Service pension.

A lot has changed since CSPA was formed 72 years ago, in 1952, but the purpose of CSPA to protect the pension that you`ve earned is as relevant now as it was then, and with your continued support we will have the capacity and resources to grow in membership and in our influence for the benefit of all Members.

Social Care

Social Care is a broken model and causes huge problems for many members either caring for a loved one or in need of social care support themselves. CSPA has been working with Age UK and the National Pensioners` Convention (NPC) to campaign for radical improvements to the funding and scope of Social Care.

When Boris Johnson won the December 2019 General Election, he famously declared in Downing Street that his Government “would fix Social Care once and for all”. This followed over a decade of successive Governments `kicking the can down the road` and not sorting out Social Care.

At the AGM in October 2022, we endorsed a new policy for free Social Care more closely aligned with the NHS and there were further motions at the AGM in 2023.

Included in the new Pensioners Manifesto which sees CSPA working with our partners in LLA and others such as Age UK, NPC, Independent Age – a large group of pensioner organisations coming together- is a campaign to ask The Government to Legislate for a National Social Care Service, to be run in conjunction with an NHS that remains free at the point of delivery.

CSPA is also part of the Carers UK Poverty Coalition – this is to work with high profile organisations to secure a more simplified process for claiming carer benefits and to seek support for unpaid carers once they reach pension age when Carer’s Benefit is stopped.

Pensions for Life Campaign

Campaigning against the injustice of widows or widowers losing all of their Civil Service survivor pension if they remarry or cohabit with a new partner (for pre-October 2002 Classic Scheme pensioners). There were Heart-breaking testimonies from members who have had to choose between companionship in later life or financial security. This has been pursued with Cabinet Office but without success so far. CSPA gave evidence on the issue to the Parliamentary Women and Equality Select committee which attracted a lot of support from MP`s.

CSPA did have success in reducing the time taken for Widow`s pension to be paid following bereavement, from 8 weeks down to 10 working days (provided all relevant paperwork had been provided).

Changes Of Personal Details, etc.

If you change your address or other details, please remember to let the Group Membership Secretary, Frank Edwards, know. Please also contact Frank in the event of the death of a member to avoid the distress of unwanted mailings.

The next Meeting of the Group will be held on

Wednesday, 22 May 2024, starting at 2-00pm,

at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church, Norwich, NR2 1SD

We will have a guest speaker:

Jenny Hodge, from Admiral Nurses, who will give a presentation on her role and the work of Admiral Nurses and their tie up with Dementia UK.

There will be time for questions.

Tea/coffee will be provided.


1. Welcome and apologies

2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 February 2024.

3. Matters arising

4. Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Information on Regional meeting in London.

7. Motions for inclusion on the Agenda of CSPA AGM in October 2024.

(Please let our Secretary, Tim, know if you wish to propose a motion, but motion

can be accepted at the meeting).

8. Open Forum

9. Any other business

10. Date and venue of next Meeting; Wednesday, 11 September 2024,

at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church, Norwich, NR2 1SD.

Following meetings:

27 November 2024

26 February 2025, (the AGM).

Your Current Committee Members Are:-

Chair: Richard West 01603 423144 richard.west08@gmail.com

Secretary: Tim Hartstone 01953 558400 t.hartstone@hotmail.co.uk

Treasurer: Fred Crooks 01359 342716 fred.crooks550@gmail.com

Frank Edwards 01842 766097 frank.edwards30@sky.com
Derek Land 01508 520532 derek.land@electramail.co.uk
Margaret Noble 07999 413950 megnob43@gmail.com

John Thompson 01502 581481 johntommo6@btinternet.com
Neville Jarvis 01394 275490 neville.jarvis1@btinternet.com