24 February 2025

27 September 2023

Peterborough & District Newsletter September 2023


Dear Colleague

We had a lovely meeting at Charters Beer Garden in Peterborough in July. As well as your four committee members, five members made the journey and enjoyed the Thai food and burgers lunch. We shared stories and memories, the latest ‘GC’ notes were also available for anyone who was interested in the goings on of the CSPA. The weather was kind, it did not rain, although we were under cover anyway!

However, along with the apologies received from our regular attendee the turnout wasn’t enough to satisfy the conditional motion made at the AGM. It is with a sad heart then that your committee has started the process to wind up the local group.

What happens next? Final accounts have been prepared; surplus funds  transferred to Head Office and will be ring fenced for 5 years should a local group be re-constituted in that time. Members will be notified by Head Office and advised of other local groups to which they will be allocated, if available. The committee will be involved in this process to try and work out best options for our members. Any questions please contact me. Social media accounts for the local group will be archived, and any GDPR data held by committee members will be destroyed. You  will continue to receive ‘The Pensioner’ magazine and be able to access help from the National CSPA officers. The CSPA website (www.CSPA.co.uk) is a good resource and includes lots of information. If you’ve seen it recently, you’ll know it has vastly improved!

In addition, this Last Newsletter contains a list of local organisations you can access for social inclusion and help.

With all best wishes for the future!


Group Secretary: Frances Hunter, 76 Churchfield Rd, Peterborough, PE4 6HE

Telephone: 07716 347837 (preferred, with voicemail) or 01733 620154 — Email: Franuneric@aol.com

Social & Educational groups

U3A peterboroughu3a.org.uk

City College Peterborough citycollegepeterborough.ac.uk

Age UK Friendship clubs/cafés www.ageukcap.org.uk/

RVS Virtual village hall virtualvillagehall.royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk/

How Are You? Resource website covering lots of topics haycambspboro.co.uk/

Local library for groups (crafts, interests, reading)

Volunteering opportunities: Peterborough 01733 342683/07498 975160, Fenland 01945 582192, and https://www.doit.life/discover

Good Neighbours also offer lunch clubs, Christmas dinners etc (see below)

Help & Support

National Federation of Occupational Pensioners (subscription needed) (local social events too) nfop.org.uk

Age UK (see above)

Alzheimers Society https://alzheimers.org.uk

Dementia UK www.dementiauk.org

Cruse Bereavement www.cruse.org.uk

Citizens Advice (Peterborough) www.citapeterborough.org.uk; (Fenland) www.citizensadviceruralcambs.org.uk

How Are You? See above

CareChoices www.carechoices.co.uk (publications/regional care service directories has lots of useful info on independent living)

Carers Trust Peterborough 01733 645234; Cambs 01480 499090

Good Neighbours (Peterborough 01733 892013 judith.harvey@salvationarmy.org.uk); (Rural Peterborough goodneighboursrp.org.uk)

Local council websites – search for groups and businesses (results may not be completely up to date!)

Peterborough City Council www.peterborough.gov.uk/

South Kesteven Council www.southkesteven.gov.uk

South Holland Council www.sholland.gov.uk

North Northamptonshire Council – East Northamptonshire www.east-northamptonshire.gov.uk


Frances Hunter
Secretary, CSPA Peterborough and District Group
76 Churchfield Rd, Peterborough, Cambs PE4 6HE
Telephone: Mobile (preferred, with voicemail) 07716 347837 Landline 01733 620154
Email    Franuneric@aol.com                

CSPA Head Office (for general information and membership enquiries);
020 8688 8413   
email   enquiries@cspa.co.uk   
website https://www.cspa.co.uk