23 February 2025

17 October 2024

Scarborough & District 2024

The Scarborough and District Group met at 11am. Monday, 23 September 2024 at Westborough Methodist Church, Scarborough.

1. Joyce I’Anson chaired the meeting and welcomed 7 Members. Apologies have been received from Jocelyn Lovett, Richard Moore, Dennis Procter, Karen McCabe.

2 Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2024 were agreed. Proposed by Sheena O’Connell and seconded by James Howie. There were no matters arising.

3. James Howie, Treasurer, again expressed his thanks to the members of the branch who had paid their £5.00 annual subscription (10 by cash / 11 by cheque) for year 2024. To save members on postage, BACS transfer is still available – though can members please fill in the ‘reference’ box with their name – or – notify James by e-mail (jpearsonhowie@gmail.com) of their BACS payment. Any outstanding payments can still be made to James via cheque, cash or into BACS: 30-97-43 00926106

Current balance, June 2024: Bank £204.31 Cash £88.99 Total £293.30

4. James, as membership secretary is continuing to review/amend the latest membership listing having received a recent update from CSPA HQ regarding active, Scarborough Branch members.

5.  Richard Kilsby provided a brief resume’ on the dialogue he has been conducting with the Rt.Hon. Alison Hume, MP Scarborough and Whitby, regarding the proposed withdrawal of the £300, Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA) from 10 million pensioners.

Richard challenged the assertion that ‘changing’ (i.e. withdrawing) the WFA will help stabilise public finances, and thereby necessarily lead to a stronger economy and stronger NHS? He did however agree that the present WFA is a crucial part of many pensioners finances, and just about allows them to afford their ever-increasing domestic fuel bills, plus other essential costs. The plight of those whose income puts them slightly above being able to claim for Pensioners Credit/WFA, and the impact of the frozen tax bands on future pension increases was not satisfactorily answered. The dialogue continues. A list of allowances or assistance that members might be eligible for was also forwarded by Alison Hume MP, and has been attached below:

Pension Credit and the Winter Fuel payment

If you receive Pension Credit you will also be eligible for the Winter Fuel payment, so it is important to check first of all if you are eligible for Pension Credit.

You can do that at https://www.gov.uk/pension-credit/eligibility

If you are eligible for the Winter Fuel payment you may also qualify for help from the Cold Weather Payments and Warm Home Discount schemes.

Warm Homes Discount

People claiming Housing Benefit but not eligible for Pension Credit may still be eligible for the Warm Homes Discount which is a one-off £150 discount off your electricity bill. Like the Household Support Fund, the Warm Home Discount scheme will reopen in October this year.

Household Support Fund

The government has extended funding for the Household Support Fund which is run by North Yorkshire Council for people living in Scarborough and Whitby.

It is designed to help people who are struggling with the cost of living, including energy bills.

You don’t have to be claiming social security to qualify. If are receiving social security, that won’t be affected if you get help through the Household Support Fund scheme.

More details will be available from North Yorkshire Council soon. https://www.gov.uk/cost-living-help-local-council

Other grants and benefits

There is general information on other grants and benefits provided by the Citizens Advice Bureau. Check if you can get Pension Credit:


Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/grants-and-benefits-to-help-you-pay-your-energy-bills/

Get help if you’re behind with your energy bills:


Get help paying for energy efficiency home improvements


Warm and Well North Yorkshire

People can apply for hardship funding or help with minor repairs to make their homes warmer under the Warm and Well North Yorkshire scheme.

You can contact Warm and Well by ringing 01609 767555 or emailing wnw@northyorkslca.org.uk.

The North Yorkshire Local Assistance Fund

This fund supports vulnerable adults to move into or remain in the community, and to help families under great pressure to stay together.

It provides help in-kind such as household goods and necessities and can include electricity and gas meter top-ups.

There is more information on it at Local assistance fund | North Yorkshire Council

Help from energy suppliers themselves

There is general information about what to do if you are behind with your energy bills at https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/struggling-to-pay-your-energy-bills/

As a footnote, Joyce has recommended people sign the AGE UK petition against the withdrawal of the WFA (campaigns@ageuk.org.uk).

Also, Citizens Advice have a ‘HELP THE CLAIM‘ Team contactable on 0800-144-8444. They should be able to find an appropriated phone number to assist those without inter-net access in getting advice/making a claim.

6. Sheena O’Connell, Pensioner Publicity confirmed that all is still running smoothly regarding the twice yearly entries to the Pensioner Magazine. Richard Kilsby said he will be sending a number of photographs of Scarborough to Sheena that he took during walks, to attach to the written pieces that she forwards to HQ.

7. Joyce I’Anson, Chair, reported that the Motions for the October ’24, CSPA Conference at Kenilworth are now closed. The Scarborough branch will not be represented at Conference.

8.  Christmas lunch has been booked at the Park Manor Hotel, Friday 29 November, 12 noon for 12.30 pm. Can members intending to attend please contact Joyce I’Anson (tel: 01723-360519) (J.Ianson360@gmail.com) with their names, number of guests, menu requirements, and their £10 deposit(s) as soon as possible.

9.  A.O.B.

A full discussion was held regarding the troubling number of internet/social media/phone scams presently doing the rounds. Richard informed the meeting about an excellent platform run by North Yorkshire Community Messaging that he subscribes to that provides an early warning of such issues. Available via: alert@neighbourhoodalert.co.uk

A further discussion was held regarding the circulation of CSPA documents from HQ via e-mail. Advice was given that members who had concerns that they were not on HQ’s e-mail listing, should ‘e-mail’ their ‘e-mail address’ to CSPA HQ (enquiries@cspa.co.uk) (tel: 020 8688 8418) and request their addition to the distribution list.

10. The next meeting for the Group is Monday 20 January 2025, commencing 1100 in Belle Vue Room, Westborough Methodist Church, Scarborough.

Forthcoming Group meeting dates are 28 April, 23 June, 22 September 2025.

11.  Joyce thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting at 12.15pm.

Richard Kilsby

25 September 2024