Second Permanent Secretary to Cabinet Office, Sue Gray will be the guest speaker at CSPA’s 2022 AGM.
Sue will be speaking at the dinner in the evening on 12th October at the Chesford Grange Hotel in Kenilworth about the values of the modern civil servant. She was recently in the public eye, leading the investigation into parties held in Downing Street during the pandemic.
About Sue’s role
The Second Permanent Secretary leads on the Union and the Constitution, responsible for both the Union Directorate and the UK Governance Group. She is also the sponsor for the Grenfell Tower and Infected Blood Independent Public Inquiries.
In May 2021 Sue returned to the Cabinet Office to take up the role of Second Permanent Secretary with responsibility for the Union and Constitution Directorate.
Prior to that from 2018 to 2021 Sue served as the Permanent Secretary of the Department of Finance, NI Executive on secondment from the Cabinet Office. Sue first joined the Cabinet Office in the late 1990s.
Sue served as the Director General, Propriety and Ethics in the Cabinet Office from 2012 to 2018.
Before joining the Cabinet Office, Sue worked in Transport, Health and DWP covering a range of roles which included both policy and front line delivery. Sue also took a career break in the late 1980s when she bought and ran a pub in Newry, Northern Ireland.