23 February 2025

Member Survey - Have your say

At the AGM, it was explained that we would be inviting all members to share their views on proposals to tackle the growing ‘democratic deficit’ our organisation faces, and we would really like as many members as possible to take part.

The CSPA has a declining number of active local groups in England and Wales, although we do have active branches in Northern Ireland and Scotland. Closures prevent members from participating fully in the CSPA’s democratic processes. So we are considering changing our approach to some elections from the 2026 AGM, to ensure every member has an equal voice in electing the national Executive Council.

This brief survey offers you the chance to help shape a more inclusive future for the CSPA. Your feedback is invaluable. 

Background information and advice on the survey and the proposals.

An online and postal ballot, open to all members, to elect our Chair, Vice Chair and five national Executive Council posts..

For the proposed ballot to be held, the necessary changes to the CSPA’s Rules and Constitution would need to be agreed by a two thirds majority at our Annual General Meeting in 2025. If the AGM’s agreement is forthcoming, the proposal is to call for nominations in the Spring 2026 issue of The Pensioner and hold the first All-Member Ballot in June/July 2026, so that the results can be announced at the start of the AGM in October 2026.

Members will be able to vote online, using a link sent by email, or they can return paper forms, which will be included in The Pensioner, and return to a Freepost address. We plan to engage a reputable, third-party provider of electoral support to assist with the ballots.

The EC is aware current structures and representation arrangements no longer allow all our members to influence our future as an organisation. We would like to extend the opportunity to all members to mandate a national EC of their choosing.

We are conscious any changes must be sensitive to the values and networks of active members in groups and branches, and not diminish our support for them. We are not planning to change our nomination processes or the way we elect regional, branch or group representatives, or how we conduct other AGM business. 

You can complete the survey online by clicking here.  There is a printed version on page 11 of the Winter edition of The Pensioner and it should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.  If you have not received a copy of The Pensioner and you would like to complete a paper form, please telephone 020 8688 8418 or email enquiries@cspa.co.uk to request a copy.